1851 -Todd, Burns & Co., Mary Street, Dublin

Architect: William Caldbeck



Todd Burn’s Department Store on the corner of Mary Street and Jervis Street was a bustling enterprise on Dublin’s northside. A large warehouse designed and extended over many years but originally by William Caldbeck. Caldbeck was responsible for many of Dublin’s early department stores. This was described as being in the Grecian-style, a stucco classicism probably reminiscent of his store for Brown Thomas on Grafton Street.

“The firm of Messrs. Todd, Burns, and Co. have lately added considerably to their establishment in Dublin. The old building formerly known as Ball’s Bank was taken down, and a new one, 60 feet long by 50 feet wide, was erected to a height of 62 feet in less than nine weeks ; for which expedition the contractors, Messrs. Cockburn and Son, received a premium of 150Z. In the centre portion is the haberdashery department, with a lantern 40 feet by 25 feet, lighting same. A shawl and cloakroom, 55 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; a tailoring-room, 45 feet by 23 feet; millinery-room, 28 feet by 23 feet, are also added. Over the shop is a wholesale-room, 120 feet by 30 feet; a Manchester-room, 70 feet by 30 feet, &c. Seventy bedrooms, lighted with gas, are provided. The establishment is 120 feet square. The expense of erecting the new building was 7,000. Mr. William F. Caldback was the architect.” The Builder, August 16 1851.

Following a fire which destroyed the original Todd Burns building in January 1902, architect William Mitchell was engaged to design this newer “Palatial Dublin Warehouse” which opened in 1905.

Published January 26, 2022 | Last Updated February 23, 2024