1841 – Crom Castle, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Architect: Edward Blore / William G. Murray / William Hague




Originally constructed by 1837 and rebuilt to the original plans in 1841 after a fire. Later additions and renovations by William Hague and William G. Murray.

“This fine baronial mansion, the seat of the Earl of Erne, and recently visited by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, is a modern structure, having been built some thirty years ago, when the former castle was burned to the ground. The apartments are large and spacious, affording every requisite for a nobleman’s family. Attached to the castle is a very fine conservatory, which contains a great variety of rare hot-house plants, ferns, &c. The flower garden in front of the castle is neatly kept. The spot on which the old castle formerly stood has been converted into a flower garden, and is well adapted for a promenade, to which it is converted by the noble proprietor’s family. The island of Innishirk is connected with Crom by means of a large and commodious bridge. Like the many islands with which Lough Erne is dotted, Innishirk is studded with trees, giving it an imposing appearance. On it is a large garden, about four acres in extent, which is carefully kept and neatly arranged. Here are to he found vineries, pine-pits, peach-houses, stove and green houses, melon and cucumber houses, not to he surpassed by those attached to the resilience of many noblemen in Ireland. Immediately opposite this island, divided by a branch of the lake, is Derravore Church, and on another adjacent island, called Corlatt, are male and female schools.

The present proprietor of Crom Castle is said to be a most liberal and indulgent landlord ; his tenantry have their farms at a moderate rate, and are thereby enabled to maintain themselves comfortably. The Earl of Erne is himself an extensive farmer, having several hundred acres under cultivation, between tillage and pasture. His farmstead is a very excellent one, and in the winter season contains upwards of one hundred- bead of cattle.” The Dublin Builder

Published April 11, 2022 | Last Updated April 25, 2024