1810s – Hollywell Lodge, Lough Sheelin, Co. Cavan


From; J.P. Neale, Views of the seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, vol.VI, London, 1823
“HOLLYWELL LODGE is situated on Lough -Shellin, noted for the finest Trout in the Kingdom . The Lake is upwards of six miles in length and four in breadth ; sur rounded by mountains and well wooded hills, interspersed with numerous highly improved Seats and picturesque Farms; it is bounded by the three Counties of Meath , West Meath , and Cavan . This elegant and beautiful Lodge, built by Lord Tara, is immediately on the banks of the Lake, possessing inequality of highly dressed Grounds, and diversity of prospects, rarely to be met with in so small a space as that occupied by this delightful spot ; it is remarkable for the purity of a spring, environed with hollies, from whence it derives its name.

The walks of this Ferme Ornée are laid out with great taste, through flowering Shrubs, along the margin of the Lake, winding gradually to the summit of a steep hill, and Old Fort, from whence different prospects are presented of this fine expanse of water, and of the surrounding scenery , comprising the picturesque ruins of Kilrahard ( the late residence of Lord de Blaquiere) consumed by fire, the ancient ruins of Ross Castle, together with those on the two beautiful Islands denominated the Castle and Church Islands. At one extremity of the Lake is seen the Town of Tineagh , situated on the river which connects this fine lake with the river Shannon ; at the other, the pleasantly situated village and neat Church , of Mount Nugent ; in the back ground appears the Parish Church ( the spire of which forms a beautiful feature in the landscape) and the highly improved demesnes of Fortland, Orley Cottage, Woodlawn, &c . &c. The internal decorations of Hollywell Lodge are highly appropriate , combining elegance with comfort, but pro moting in all respects the simplicity of this sweetly romantic Retreat.”

Published April 14, 2022 | Last Updated April 25, 2024