1889 – Design for Holy Trinity Church, Cork

Architect: Walter G. Doolin


“Out of twelve sets submitted, that bearing the motto, “Coronam de lapide pretioso,” by Mr. Walter G. Doolin, M.A., was recommended by the consulting architect, Mr. George C. Ashlin, R.H.A., as the one most suitable for a façade to the building. The sketch which accompanies this issue is taken from Mr. Doolin’s fine pen-and-ink drawing, which wasn shown at the recent exhibition of Royal Hibernian Academy, Lower Abbey-street. This design was not carried out, the committee having in their wisdom, and after much consultation, selected another, the author of which is a local architect, and one of the three to whom a £50 premium was awarded in the competition.”

This design was largely reused, again unsuccessfully for a tower at St Mary’s Church on Haddington Road in Dublin in 1895.

Published May 10, 2017 | Last Updated February 29, 2024