1884 – St. Mary’s Church of Ireland, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow

Architect: Richard O’Brien Smyth



Selected after an architectural competition, and constructed between 1882-84. In plan, cruciform with a porch to the north-east and a tower to the south-west.

“The church is designed to accommodate 300 persons, and consists of a well proportioned nave, with north and south transepts, choir, and semi-circular chancel. It is entered by a porch at south-west angle, boldly carried up to form a bell tower. The vestry, &c., with heating chamber, &c., under, being placed at the north-east angle next choir and chancel, for which a separate porch is provided.

The design is of early thirteenth-century character, especially chosen to suit the stone of the district; the roofs of nave and transepts being open timber varnished. The choir and chancel being panelled in plaster with molded timber ribs, available for decorations.

The amount (£1,900) at the disposal of the select vestry being strictly limited, the author has relied upon obtaining external effect, more by the picturesque and bold grouping of the tout-en-semble than the development of minute detail.” The Irish Builder, June 1 1882.

Photograph courtesy, and copyright of Keith J. Allen.

Published May 9, 2016