1884 – Library Chambers, Royal Avenue, Belfast, Co. Antrim

Architect: Edward J. Byrne


Demolished 1975.

Described in detail in The Irish Builder, October 15 1884: “OUR illustration shows the large block shops and business premises, offices, &c., almost completed for Francis Rogers Esq., late of Donegall street. The ground is entirely occupied by shops having lavatoriesm w c’sm coal storem &c., preparation is also left for patent lifts to the storage in rere. Behind each shop on the ground floor is placed the sitting or living room with a separate entrance at rere for admitting of goods from the laneway leading to Kent-street. Wood stairs 8 ft 6 in wide with pitch pine newels balusters and hand rail connect the shops with the several floors over the rooms to be used either for bedrooms or storage.

Between the shops entered by a spacious stone doorway is the entrance to Mrs Rogers old established millinery and mantle warerooms. A handsome vestibule and wide pitch pine stairs with mahogany carved and turned newels and baluster lead to the showroom on first flat which is 40 ft by 20 ft wide 14 ft high with richly coved and ornamented ceiling. The windows are of the French casement style with bronze clamps and ventilators opening on top The floor is inlaid with pitch pine borders in design. Leading from the salon is the millinery department 80 ft by 13 ft with dressing and fitting room with lavatory attached. The fittings of this flat have been got up in a manner corresponding to the general good taste displayed throughout the whole building. The wall plastering is tinted a salmon colour taking away the cold appearance generally given by grey finish in new houses.

The Second storey is divided into the dining room and parlor study and sitting rooms the bed rooms being on the third storey with lavatory hot and cold baths shower &c.

In the rere and communicating with show room by speaking tubes are the workrooms with their w c’s lavatories and cloak room communicating by a separate stair with entrance to Kent street and dining hall 40 ft by 20 ft which is connected with kitchen wing having serving room pantries and private dining room. The whole of this department has been modelled from the style adopted by the French Modes et Robes with the happiest results.

Over the work room range are the dormitories for the heads of the different departments stopping in the house with bath room and lavatory.

The elevators are faced with best cherry coloured brick with stone red blocking course and cornice the pilasters to ground floor, Scotch stone. The other moulded work and outside trimmings is cement colored and sanded to imitate red Dundonald stone.

The works have been carried out from the designs, and under the superintendence, of Mr E.J. Byrne, architect, Waring street, by Mr. Charles Boyd, building contractor, with Mr J. Byrne as clerk of works.”

Published May 31, 2016