1875 – Whitehouse, Carrigans, Co. Donegal

Architect: William McElwee


“We illustrate in present number a new residence erected for William J. Hanna, Esq. (late of Philadelphis, U.S.A.), near Carrigans, on the Irish North Western Railways, five miles from the City of Derry, and which has been built from the plans of Mr. William McElwee, architect, of Derry.

The house contains on ground floor – entrance hall, drawing and dining rooms, with service room, mistress’s pantry,and parlour. The wing to rere contains – kitchen, requisite offices connected therewith, and servants’ apartments. On chamber floor ample bedroom accommodation is provided with bathroom, closets, &c.

Stone raised on the property has been used for walling, and is finished on outside with Portland cement, and rough cast. The works have been carried out by contract, under superintendence of the architect, by Mr. Alexander McElwee, builder; the plumber’s work being executed by Mr. A. Baxter, and painting, &c., by Mr. H. McIndoe, all of Londonderry.” The Irish Builder, January 1 1876.

Published June 4, 2016 | Last Updated June 4, 2024