1700s – Library Square, Trinity College Dublin


From Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837 “The second quadrangle, called the Library-square, is 265 feet in length and 214 feet in breadth. Three sides of it are occupied by uniform ranges of brick building, containing apartments for the students; these are now the oldest buildings in the college and are fast verging to decay. The fourth side is formed by the library, a very fine building of granite, the basement story of which forms a piazza extending the whole length of the square, above which are two stories surmounted by an enriched entablature and crowned with a balustrade.”

“The old chapel and belfrey occupied the vacant space between the first and second quadrangles.”

The brick buildings were largely demolished with the exception of the eastern range, which were renovated and now know as the Rubrics. The northern range was demolished to make way for the Graduates Memorial Building in 1902. The western range, chapel and tower, were replaced by open space and Lanyon’s campanile.

Published June 24, 2014 | Last Updated June 21, 2024