1899 – Cottage homes, Styal, Cheshire

Architect: James P. Broadbent



“The group of buildings herewith illustrated has been erected for the Chorlton Union. It comprises a lodge at entrance, which is used as a quarantine station, homes to accommodate 20 children in each, Kindergarten school, work- shops, bakehouse, swimming bath, &c. (in the rear of the site), a hospital built for 40 beds, with accommodation for nursing staff, superintendent’s house, and boardroom. The large school, of which a view is shown in the corner of our plate, is situated about half a mile from the homes, and will eventually be attended by the village children. The works were commenced in the spring of 1896, and opened at the beginning of October last, the amount of the contract being rather over £50,000. The homes at present provide accommodation for 310 children, but the offices and school are built for an ultimate population of from 500 to 600. Mr. James B. Broadbent, A.R.I.B.A., of Manchester, is the architect.” Published in The Building News, March 10 1899.

Published April 8, 2014 | Last Updated May 8, 2014