1898 – London & South Western Bank, Kilburn, London

Architect: Edward Gabriel


“This branch bank, which has lately been completed, occupies a prominent position in the High-road, Kilburn, and has been erected for the directors of the London and South- Western Bank from the designs of their architect, Mr. Edward Gabriel (Edmeston and Gabriel). Extemally, the ground floor is of Portland stone, above which the walls are faced with “Red Bank ” pressed bricks, with Portland stone dressings. The plan shows the general arrangement of the ground floor. The floors above are arranged for offices, and the basement contains the strong-room, clerk’s room, lavatories, and heating apparatus. The contract for the bank and shops adjoining has been carried out by Messrs. R.A. Yerbury and Sons, of Kilburn, Mr. Ellison acting as clerk of works.” Published in The Building News, November 25 1898.

Published February 19, 2014