1898 – Design for Urban District Offices, Eastleigh, Hampshire

Architect: Hall, Cooper & Davis


This design was submitted in the recent competition by Messrs. Hall, Cooper, and Davis. Accommodation was provided for rate-collector’s office, council clerk’s public and private offices, surveyor’s public and private offices, and plan-room and medical officer’s offices on the ground floor. On the first floor are the council – chamber, committee-room, councillors’ cloak- room, with lavatories, &c., adjoining, and care- taker’s living apartments. The fire-station is planned in a quadrangle adjoining the main building along the Romsey-road, with stabling accommodation and cart-sheds for the council’s working staff. The corn-store, hay-chambers, &c., are planned over the stable. The materials proposed to be used are red bricks, with Bath stone dressings, wood cornices to eaves, and red Ruabon tiles to roofs. All mouldings and other finishings are to be of a simple character. Internally, the floors of the entrance-hall and landing to be of wood blocks. The vestibules and lavatories of tiles, the council-chamber and other rooms best in St. Petersburg flooring in narrow widths. The council-chamber to have a dado of wood panelling, the main stairs to be York stone.” Published in The Building News, April 29, 1898.

Published January 14, 2014