1871 – Kerr & Sons, Nos. 114-115 Capel Street, Dublin

Architect: John McCurdy


Fine Victorian warehouse in brick with stucco decoration. In use today as a antiques gallery. “The structure externally presents a good block of building artistically rendered, and adds a new feature to this historic street on the northern side of our river”.

“We give in our present issue an engraving of the front elevation of Messrs. Kerr’s new establishment in Capel-street. The structure externally presents a good block of building artistically rendered, and adds a new feature to this historic street on the northern side of our river. As we iateird in a future issue to enter into particulars of the inner departments of the establishment (which are still in a very incomplete state) , we will reserve all architectural data, and confine our remarks to instancing -the persevering public spirit manifested by the proprietors in the development of important branches of native industries, and in the utilization of home labour. In one branch alone — that of Belleek pottery — the Messrs. Kerr have already achieved wonders. In perfect manipulation of modellmg, glazing, and finish, nothing can be more chaste than the numerous articles of ware of the Belleek type turned out by this establishment. We understand that further improvements are in contemplation in this branch as soon as the necessary arrangements are completed.

During the visit of the Royal party to Dublin special visits were made by the Princes, and the Princess Louise and Marquis of Lorne to the Messrs. Kerr’s, and the Royal party expressed their wonder and the pleasure they felt at witnessing the marvellous display of fancy ware on view. We believe that we are correct in stating that large orders were given by members of the Royal family for several articles. Some most beautiful specimens of vases ornamented with ideal pictures, illustrative of a variety of incidents in the fields of poetry, romance, chivalry, &c., excited the admiration of the Royal party.

Among these were a pair of vases, which, on a former occasion in Dublin, received the special praise of Her Majesty and Prince Albert. Here may be seen a model, a perfect imitation in all details of a service presented to his late Majesty William IV., decorated in the centre with the royal arms, with medallion pictures emblazoned on the order, illustrative of the several orders of knighthood. A fac-simile of a service presented to the Queen in 18G1, is also on view, embellished with all the royal appendages. Vases may be inspected from prices varying from one hundred to five hundred guineas the pair and upward. In the six departments through which the royal party were conducted, a varied assortment of most superb articles of manufacture are to be observed.

On side tables, the ware of Colebroke Dale, French china, and that of the celebrated firm of Mintons, are displayed, endless in the variety of form, and each possessing a distinctive charm. In viewing these articles, the fancy is struck with the sublety of mind and the cunning of artistic handicraft that is shown. A casual look alone will convince the visitors that progress in the world of art is moving apace with rapid strides, and that even in the City of Dublin a cultivated taste is not only perceptible, but exists, and is fastly developing. As we have already said in the beginning of our notice, we purpose, on another occasion, entering more fully into details, we wiU take leave of our subject by complimenting the Messrs. Kerr on the success they have achieved, and we can confidently augur from their acknowledged enterprise certain celebrity and wealth, both of which they very well merit.

The entire works are to be carried out according to plans by Mr. John McCurdy Leinster-street.”

Published March 13, 2014 | Last Updated April 20, 2023