1901 – Belmont Congregational Chapel, Bolton, Lancashire

Architect: Bradshaw & Gass


Perspective including ground plans published in The Building News, April 19th 1901. “The Belmont moors are the highest parts of the moorland which surrounds Bolton-le-Moors. Here is a village the inhabitants of which are wholly employed by Messrs. Deakin, who have large bleachworks. The old Congregational chapel was built at the beginning of last century, and the new one has now been erected mainly owing to the liberality of Messrs. Deakin ; Messrs. Bradshaw and Gass, FF.R.I.B.A., of Bolton, being the architects. Externally the building is of Yorkshire stone, with red stone and red terra-cotta dressings throughout. Internally the walls are faced with red brick, the wainscoting, pews, and other woodwork being stained a dull green. Messrs. Dougill of Horwich, were the contractors.”

Published February 18, 2012 | Last Updated June 15, 2014