1879 – Bank Premises, Sudbury, Suffolk

Architect: Brightwen Binyon


New bank branch for Messrs. Alexander, Birbeck, Barclay & Buxton. Perspective including ground floor plans published in The Building News, August 8th 1879. “his building is now in course of erection on the Market-hill, Sudbury, Suffolk, for the banking firm of Messrs. Alexanders and Co., from the designs of Mr. Brightwen Binyon, of Ipswich, A.R.I.B.A. The front will be faced entirely with red brick of local manufacture, and the roof covered with plain tiles of a dark tint. The banking-room will be finished with panelled wood ceiling, .and the fittings will be of wainscot with teak panels. Messrs. Grimwood and Sons, of Sudbuiy, are the contractors, and the esti- mated cost of the building, including fittings, is £3,011.”

Published July 19, 2012 | Last Updated December 20, 2013