1867 – Proposed Schools & Almshouses, Walworth, London

Architect: James Cubitt


From The Building News: “THESE buildings, of which we give an illustration elsewhere, are about to be erected near the Elephant and Castle Railway Station, for the congregation of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. They consist of eighteen sitting-rooms for aged females (each with scullery, coalplace, and a recess for bed to be closed by curtains), schools for 200 children, and an eight-roomed teacher’s house. There is a covered playground under the girls’ school. The walls are of brick with stone dressings. The details given below our view are taken from the elevations, and merely explain the general arrangement, not the precise design of the ornament. The architect is Mr. James Cubitt, of Addington-square, Camberwell.”

Published March 31, 2012 | Last Updated March 31, 2013