1906 – Nos. 48-50 South Great George’s Street, Dublin

Architect: H.J. Lundy



A very fine commercial building with ornate shopfront intact as well a nice window details on the upper stories. Notice, the graduation from flatheaded window to round-headed window as you rise through the building. Finished in Portmarnock brick with Skerries limestone and Peterhead granite. As part of the new Dunnes Stores office development, the facade has been retained along with some interior detail – interior tilework on the walls of the shops can be viewed from the street and attests to the original owners, a butchers family.

An llustration of the building was published in the Irish Builder, June 16 1906, the building was to ‘reform this portion of one of Dublin’s best business thoroughfares’.

Published February 18, 2010 | Last Updated March 25, 2016