1863 – Houses, Guy’s Hospital, Southwark, London

Architect: Newman & Billing


“Two houses of which we give an illustration, have been recently erected by the governors of Guy’s Hospital for the purpose of providing residences for two of their medical staff, who are required to be in almost constant attendance at the hospital, and who have lately been turned out of their former abodes by the operations of the Charing Cross Railway Company near the Southwark end of London Bridge. The principal materials used are red brick with Bath stone dressings. The columns of the portico are of polished granite. The cost, including fittings, stoves, &c, has been for the two houses about 5,620. Messrs. Newman & Billing, of Tooley Street, were the architects employed by the governors; and the works have been executed by Mef srs. J. J. & F. Coleman, of Bermondsey. The carving is by Mr. Scale, of Walworth. The houses can be at present seen, across what was the site of St. Thomas’s Hospital, from the raised area in front of the London and Brighton Station. There are in the design, suggestive features that will doubtless be farther worked upon.” From The Builder, September 12, 1863.

Published June 24, 2010