1908 – The “Hare & Hounds” Inn, Sonning Common, Oxfordshire

Architect: W.C.A. Hambling


Designed for for Messrs. Breakspear & Sons. Published in The Building News, October 23rd 1908. “This house is being erected upon a prominent site. The existing license is to be transferred from the old to the new inn, which is designed upon lines that meet the requirements for police supervision and good accommodation for public refreshment. Besides the bar, it has a large room that be used either in connection with the house or can be shut off and used privately, such, for example, as the meeting-hall of village clubs, for political and other meetings. Here, also, cyclist parties, when taking a country run, may find a commodious resting-place and refreshment. It makes just the kind of house for country districts. The exterior walls of the building are being finished in cement roughcast, the roof to be tiled. The architect is Mr. W.G.A. Hambling and the contractor is Mr. H.Godwin, both of Reading.”

Published July 8, 2009 | Last Updated July 19, 2012