Random Building
1901 – The Capital & Counties Bank, Brighton, Sussex
Front Elevation including ground & 1st floor plans as published in The Building News, February 22nd 1901. “As part of the long- contemplated improvement of the most important part of North-street (the leading business thoroughfare of Brighton), the Capital and Counties Banking Company offered to set back and rebuild their premises, which adjoin the Royal Pavilion. In doing so the company also rebuild part of the corporation property, and the scheme has now, after some discussion, received the approval of the town council, and will forth- with be proceeded with. The premises, as shown in our illustration, are to be built of grey Aberdeen granite and stone, and will form a notable addition to the buildings of Brighton in the centre of the town. The architects are Messrs. Clayton and Beach, of North-street.”
Published June 26, 2009 | Last Updated June 15, 2014