1895 – Saint Michael’s Church, Beguildy, Wales

Architect: W.R. Bryden


The church of Saint Michael’s is mainly 14th century and was restored considerably in the late 19th century. The chancel was rebuilt in 1885 and the nave restored in 1896. The original tower collapsed in the 19th century and bells which date from 1661 and 1664, were re-hung in their present position in 1936. The church features a 14th century octagonal font (which reputed to carry marks made by Cromwell’s troops sharpening their swords), a holy water stoup at the south door, and a priests door in the south wall. The screen is a fine example of 15th century workmanship and is well preserved, bearing the original coloured Tudor Roses. Probably from the same period are two oak benches. The dug out chest, which was reputedly hewn out of a solid block of timber, is an ancient churchwarden’s chest and probably dates form the 13th century. At the end of the chest is an iron ring for use when it was drawn by a horse to be buried or hidden in times of trouble. One part of the chest would have held the church valuables and the other the churchwardens treasures. Each compartment was locked separately. The church is well endowed with 20th century stained glass windows.

Published June 8, 2009