1881 – Tavern & Hotel, Royal Albert Dock, London

Architect: Vigers & Wagstaffe



“This building is now in course of erection at the Galleons Station of the new Royal Albert Dock, opposite Woolwich. The materials used for facing are red brick with hand- cut mouldings for the basement and ground-floor stories and the chimneys; rough-cast of a but? tint for the front floor, and tile hangings for the overhanging upper portion. Over the large dining-room is a billiard-room, with access to a promenade formed by the balcony over the verandah of railway platform, from which a fine view of the docks and shipping will be obtained.” Published in The Building News, July 22 1881.

“Our illustration shows one of the taverns proposed to be built at the Royal Albert Dock by Mr. W. H. Lascelles, Bunhill-row, from drawings by Messrs. Vigers and Wagstaffe, for the London and St. Katherine Dock Company. The walls of basement are to be of cement-concrete, faced on both sides with Potter tiles. Above this the walls are to be brick, and the roofs covered with plain tiles. The bay-windows, caryatides, cornices, etc, are to be of Mr. Lascelles concrete. Our view is taken from the drawing in this year’s Royal Academy exhibition.”

Published July 21, 2009 | Last Updated January 2, 2014