1881 – St. Chad’s Church, Hopwas, Staffordshire

Architect: John Douglas



“The above church, which has been built mainly by the exertions of the Vicar of Tamworth, the Rev. W. MacGregor, is situated on a beautifully wooded and elevated site just off the high road from Tamworth to Lichfield, about three miles from the former town. As will be seen from the drawings, a somewhat novel treatment, at least in church-building, has been adopted in the construction of the nave walls, which, from the level of the window-sills, are of timber-framing filled in with brickwork, the panels outside being cemented and loft rough. The whole of the timber used inside and outside of the church is of oak ; both the outside framing and internal fittings being left without having had anything put on them. The walls outside underneath the framing, &c., are of red local bricks; Codsall red stone being used for all dressings. The internal walls of the church are lined with warm- coloured buff bricks. The roofs are covered with brown Staffordshire tiles, and the spirelet is shingled. The work was carried out in a satisfactory manner by Mr. John Dakin, of Lichfield, from plans, &c., prepared by Mr. Douglas, of Chester.”

Published November 5, 2009 | Last Updated December 31, 2013