1880 – Congregational Church, New Barnet, Hertfordshire

Architect: John Sulman


“The plan of this church consists of nave and aisles of the usual relative proportions, but there is only a single granite column on each side forming any appreciable obstruction to sight. From these spring two very wide pointed arches, covering the whole space occupied by the seats, and abutting on strong clustered shafts towards each comer of the building. These again carry small arches, the space enclosed by them being used as an organ-chamber and invalids’ seats on each side of the pulpit, and towards the entrance end as part of a wide and spacious lobby stretching across the building. This is divided from the seated portion of the building by a glazed screen formed of a series of folding doors, which, when occasion requires, can be thrown open and the whole of the lobby used for extra sittings. At one end of the lobby (opposite the tower) is a cloak-room with conveniences attached, for the use of the congregation. As the ground slopes rapidly to the back, a large amount of space is available under the vestries, &c., and is used as an infants’ classroom, with gallery for SO, and three good classrooms for about 25 scholars each, with the usual conveniences, heating-chamber, scullery, etc. The building is erected in stock bricks, faced externally with Kentish rag in courses, with Bath stone dressings, and internally with Bean’s white bricks for plain surfaces, and mouldings, Sec, in Bath stone. The spire reaches a height of 150ft. The buildings were very satisfactorily carried out by Messrs. L. H. and R. Roberts, of Islington, from the designs of Mr. John Sulman, of 1, Furnival’s Inn, E.G.” Published in The Building News, November 4 1881.

Published September 27, 2009 | Last Updated January 2, 2014