1878 – Proposed New Church at Tebay, Westmorland

Architect: C.J. Ferguson


Paid for by the railway company and railway workers, the small church is rock faced, and has a west baptistry in the form of a large apse. Next to it is a round turret with a conical spire. The interior is brick-faced, yellow with red bands. There are three stained glass windows – with the East window showing the Resurrection and Ascension.

Perspective including ground plan published in The Building News, November 8th 1878. “This church is about to be erected at Tebay, to meet the wants of a population which has grown up round the well-known junction on the London and North-Western Railway. The initiative in the matter has been taken by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, who personally made an appeal in the columns of the Times a short time ago. The church will add another to the series of mountain chapels already erected in this diocese. It will seat 165 persons, and is capable of future enlargement.”

Published June 23, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013