1878 – Fernacres Fulmer, Slough, Buckinghamshire

Architect: Robert W. Edis


From The Building News, July 12 1878: “We illustrate this week the entrance front and plan of this house, which has lately been erected from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. Robert W. Edis, F.S.A., architect, of 11, Fitzroy-square. Owing to the principal views being to the north-west and north-east, and to the peculiarities of the site, special arrangement of plan was found necessary. The house is built of red brick, with half timber and tile hanging in portions of the upper part, and the works have been well and satisfactorily carried out from the designs of the architect by Mr. E. Conder, builder, of Kingsland-bridge-road, London.”

Published June 15, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013