1873 – Municipal Buildings, Leicester, Leicestershire

Architect: Frederick Roper


Perspective view including plans as published in The Building News, October 10th 1873. “The design of which we this week give a ground-plan and perspective view, is one of tho ten which were selected by the Municipal Buildings Committee, and was criticised by us at the time. The style is founded on tho Renaissance of the sixteenth century. Tho materials proposed were red pressed brick for the general facing of tho walls. Ketton stone for the cornices, strings, and pilasters, and terra-cotta for the panels, discs, spandrels, and other parts where it can be framed in the stonework. This design was submitted by Mr. Frederick W. Roper, of 9, Adam-street, Adelphi. “

Published June 29, 2009 | Last Updated May 13, 2013