1919 – St. John’s Vicarage, Southend, Lewisham, Kent

Architect: Sir Charles A. Nicholson


Published in The Building News, November 28 1919: “A double-page illustration, giving the plan, elevations, and sections of this South London proposed church appeared in our issue of September 26 last. The architect. Sir Charles A. Nicholson, Bart., also lent us the working drawings of the new vicarage house for the same district, and these we publish to-day. The present church, which has served for the hamlet of Southend, will become the Parish Room. The undertaking, of which we gave some few particulars when illustrating the church, is to take the form of a thank- offering of the Lewisham deanery.”

Published July 15, 2012 | Last Updated January 23, 2025