1860 – Durrow Abbey, Durrow, Co. Offaly
The story of Durrow Abbey House is framed by two fires. One in 1843 when the house was under construction destroyed the adjacent Georgian mansion and all the furnishings stored there,
The story of Durrow Abbey House is framed by two fires. One in 1843 when the house was under construction destroyed the adjacent Georgian mansion and all the furnishings stored there,
Designed by James Franklin Fuller, built for the Bland family. The main block was of three storeys,
Tinode House was burned to the ground in 1922 by the IRA, and has since been partially rebuilt.
In 1809 work was started to rebuild a large Plantation castle to the designs of John Nash –
The repository of Irish records that dated from medieval times to 1922.
Constructed on the site of Drogheda House, the house occupied by the Earl of Drogheda.
Dr Richard Barter’s second Turkish bath in Dublin was built as an extension at the rear of Reynold’s Hotel at 11 and 12 Upper Sackville Street.
Large ornate Victorian villa set on a hillside overlooking Cork city centre. Destroyed by fire in 1922. Sidney Park housing estate was developed on the site from 1934 to 1943.
Designed for Sir Horace Plunkett, by England-based William D. Caroe, in an Arts and Crafts style.