1765c – Stuart Hall, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Stuart Hall was built in the 1760s for Baron Stuart, later Viscount Castle Stuart. It was originally a three-storey Georgian house,
Stuart Hall was built in the 1760s for Baron Stuart, later Viscount Castle Stuart. It was originally a three-storey Georgian house,
The town hall located at the junction of Market Street and Main Street – a building which was being rebuilt in 1766.
Designed by John Nash who had a cluster of work in the area including Caledon House in Co.
The former Walker’s Pillar was a memorial to Rev. George Walker, the rector of Donaghmore, Co.
“This building was formally opened on Thursday week. It has been erected from the designs of Mr.
The Belgravia Hotel was a collection of Victorian Villas on Ulsterville Ave, with fine polychromic brickwork,
A large hotel facing Carlingford Lough, with a main frontage of almost 150 feet broken into a central block and two lower wings.
Large commercial development for John Fulton & Co, shirt and collar manufacturers. Also contained the White Linen Hall.
Originally opened in 1845 for the Ulster Railway Company, but rebuilt in the Great Northern Railway house-style in the late 1890s.
Described as being in the “American style” and constructed between 1899-1901, this large warehouse was coal merchant Alex King,