1899 – Bain Building, Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The west portion of the Brokerage was constructed in 1899 for Edward Nicholson, an Ottawa-born merchant who started a wholesale grocery brokerage firm.
The west portion of the Brokerage was constructed in 1899 for Edward Nicholson, an Ottawa-born merchant who started a wholesale grocery brokerage firm.
With the adjoining Bain Building, this brick and limestone building is a fine early Winnipeg warehouse.
Like other warehouses on Bannatyne Avenue, the McClary Building benefited from a railway spur to the rear in what is now John Hirsch Place.
A post and beam frame structure with brick and stone external detailing, this small warehouse features exposed woodbeams and brickwork internally.
Amalgamated into the Ashdown Building in 1911, the former Codville and Company warehouse had two floors added to it so that it formed a continuous wall with the rest of the Ashdown Building.
The English-born James H. Ashdown was probably Winnipeg’s best-known businessman and he first arrived in the Red River settlement via Ontario in 1868.
The second medical college to be constructed in Winnipeg. The Manitoba Medical College, incorporated in April 1884 as the first such school west of the Great Lakes,