RIAI CPD Mandatory from October 1 2009
The new RIAI CPD Policy was ratified by the RIAI Council on 4th September. Until now compliance with RIAI CPD Policy has been “˜obligatory’ under the Code of Professional Conduct and members were required to maintain their own CPD records on file. From 1 October 2009 completion of the requisite CPD hours (20 structured and 20 unstructured) and recording of CPD online on RIAI CPD Engage will become “˜mandatory’, i.e. the RIAI can and will check compliance with the requirements as laid out in the RIAI CPD Policy.
As members will have noticed, RIAI CPD Engage, the online CPD system for RIAI members and registrants introduced in March 2009, is fast becoming the main vehicle for self-assessment, planning, recording and reflecting on your CPD. RIAI CPD bulletins now direct members to RIAI CPD Engage to add RIAI courses to their CPD record. The RIAI CPD Engage system will continue in trial-use mode until 30 September 2009 to enable members to become familiar with its workings.
To help members to engage with the system the RIAI will be holding information and training sessions on RIAI CPD Engage in various locations around the country over the next few months. Keep an eye on the CPD Programmes page of the RIAI website and CPD Bulletins for further information on these events.