1920 – Cottages and Village Shop, Kings Walden, Hertfordshire
From The Building News, August 27 1920: “The illustration is of two of several pairs of cottages recently erected or in course of erection on the estate of Major J. F. Harrison, D.S.O., at King’s Walden, near Hitchin. These are being built largely by local labour under the estate building foreman, and are of Luttm purple-grey bricks and roofed with dark hand-made plain tiles. The site selected involves the front in which the shop occurs facing north-west, and the kitchens are accordingly planned on the opposite aspect. Theshop-store at rear of shop is accessible from the door on the left of shop front, and the front and back bedrooms over the centre block are apportioned one to each cottage. The adjoining pair is similar in material, and of somewhat smaller accommodation. The drawing given here was shown at the Royal Academy this year. Mr H. S. Goodhart-Rendel is the architect.”
Published May 20, 2012 | Last Updated May 20, 2013