1939 – Imco, Merrion Road, Dublin
IMCO were a large firm of dry cleaners who ran a central cleaning and dying plant on Merrion Road, which was supported by collection vans and feeder shops. Their building was built in two phases between the wars. Higginbotham & Stafford were responsible for the first stage in 1932. The design of the second phase, apparently dating from 1939, incorporated a fine concrete and glass tower by the distinguished English architect Oliver P. Bernard. IMCO used the building as their logo – it was so identifiable – even being used on enamel signs at their agents. A fine site, the building was visible from the railway line and the roadway and was quite imposing. Sold in 1974 and was sadly demolished shortly afterwards, replaced by an office building.
Published May 14, 2021 | Last Updated October 14, 2021