Holy Cross Church competition shortlist announced
Holy Cross Church, a protected structure on Main Street, Dundrum is located in the centre of Dundrum village since the 1800s. The village has seen enormous physical change to the built environment around it in the last number of years. The physical importance of the church, as a significant part of the landscape has reduced against the new backdrop of commerce generated by Phase One of the Dundrum Town Centre, large apartment blocks and the by-pass roadway. Phase Two of Dundrum centre will have an even greater impact.
Holy Cross Parish Development Building Committee sought ideas from RIAI Members and Fellows who had experience or were interested in ecclesiastical works to suggest improvements to the existing parish church building.
The winner, highly commended and commended entries from the 23 submissions will be announced at the exhibition opening on 26 November 2009. The five competitors on the shortlist are as follows:
Lawrence + Long Architects
Deaton Lysaght Architects
de Blacam and Meagher Architects
Paul Keogh Architects
NDBA Architects Ltd.