Harrison Townsend
Thomas Lewis Banks
UK architects
Walter Scott
Townsend, Harrison (1851-1928)
English architect and designer. He was educated at Birkenhead School and articled to the Liverpool architect Walter Scott (1811-75) in 1870. He moved to London with his family in 1880 and was associated with William Eden Nesfield. By 1883 he was working for Thomas Lewis Banks (c. 1842-1920) with whom he entered partnership in 1884. He was practising on his own account in 1888 and in that year he was elected a Fellow of the RIBA and a member of the Art Workers’ Guild: he maintained ties with both throughout his career. He arranged Guild trips to northern Europe and northern Italy, gathering information on mosaics on which he lectured and wrote extensively.
Published June 8, 2009 | Last Updated October 23, 2013