1865 – Burgh Hall & Academy, Dumbarton, Scotland
Standing today, different from as illustrated in 1868, the tower has no spire, and the large roof has dorners inserted.
From The Building News, November 13 1868: “This building was completed about two years ago from the designs of Messrs. Wm. Leiper and R.G. Melvin, architects, Glasgow. There are two halls. The large or main hall is placed immediately behind the front building, and access from the main street is provided by a spacious corridor entering from the open porch which forms the base of the tower. A smaller hall is situated on the first floor of the front building. Waiting rooms and large class-rooms occupy the rest of the building. The whole of the external walls are of freestone. The open porch at base of tower has a groined roof. Depth of shadow in the window openings is gained by the glass being recessed the full thickness of the walls. The whole cost was about £7,500. Mr. Thomas Rissett acted as clerk of works.”
Published April 16, 2013