Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIs there any news about Dunnes Stores selling their Patrick Street Shop!!!!!!
and is TKMaxx coming to Cork?shrink2cork
Participant@mickeydocs wrote:
any word on Water Street getting started?
I understand it will be starting soon, Ask the people in Cunnane Stratton Reynolds, They will give you more details.
Participant@Spinal Tap wrote:
The Original Reardens Bar Washington Street now a massive “superpub”
Egans Patrick Street now Jack & Jones
The Launderette McCurtain St now a barbers.If we could only lose Singers Corner – what a neglected eyesore.
😉 I understand this property is on the market with J.D.Sullivan & Co Auctioneers, so things could be happening.
ParticipantWhy will Maryborough Hill be closed to two way traffic for nine months to one year? Wait till the schools go back, then the fun will start…….
Can any one help?:confused:
And what about the “Second council official suspended over land deal” can any one put more light on this?
And well done to A -ha this is the best Thread, please keep it going:cool:
ParticipantJust got in the mail, Cork City Councils South Docks Local Area Plan looking for submissions. They have already decided the make up and use of this urban quarter
ParticipantDoes anyone have an update on Peachdeen Limited proposed housing development at Clonye, Co.Cork ??? (05/399) The Architects are PRC Skehard Road Blackrock Cork.
ParticipantThank you Lexington for your help
ParticipantCan you help me with this question, What is ment by “Implications to part 5 planning”
Participant@A-ha wrote:
I didn’t know that Cork was waiting for TK Maxx and Foot Locker to open. I’ve never been to the Crescent shopping centre, but has it been extended or has a shop closed to make way for H&M. It’s such a shame that they are opening in Limerick first, but no doubt they’ll open in Cork soon after (Cornmarket Street maybe???) Why do I have a feeling that Ballincollig will turn into another Douglas Court, just newer. Next time a shooping centre opens in Cork, Dunnes should be banned by the city council!
Oh and I really like the roof top garden, shame it wont be seen from the ground, and copper cladding sounds different.I wish TK maxx was comming to Cork, As an ex member of TJ Maxx I was told back in 1991 they were comming to Ireland, What slowed it down was the size of the shops, they were looking for 35,000 sq ft. I agree no more Dunnes Stores , give us a change. New shopping centres must have new mix of retailers and not the same old shops.
Participant@theblimp wrote:
Oliver Plunkett Street and Pembroke Street – those 4-5 foot poles inserted between footpath and street every few yards. Anyone know is this intended to be the ultimate treatment for these. I had been under the impression that they were only temporary until something more aesthetically pleasing replaced them, but they’ve been there for a quite a while. If they’re intended to stay then someone needs a good kick up the arse. Yes, I know they prevent parking but there are more attractive ways of doing this. On the subject of Pembroke Street, are the Imperial Hotel going to leave that makeshift timber entrance into their new cafe there forever?
Oliver Plunkett 4.5 foot poles were going to be temporary- but the powers that be have run out of funds, so they will be there for some time. :confused:
ParticipantCan anyone help, looking for comments on the pros and cons of buying a listed house??? :confused:
ParticipantI have two questions, 1. Does any one know if planning is going to be granted for a hotel on Parnell Place Beasly St, South Mall?
2. What is the plan for the building on the corner of Caroline St, Oliver Plunket st. opp Scotts Bar????shrink2cork
ParticipantI agree with Bunch, but where do we go from here?
ParticipantLexington, Has planning been granted in Beasly Street, Parnell Place, South Mall, for a Hotel etc?
ParticipantLexington, The best thing I have read in a long time, President Kennedy” not what Dublin can do for Cork, it’s what Cork can do for Cork.
What about tax breaks for the docklands? Money makes the world go round, and things happen faster.
Participant@lexington wrote:
I thought was never coming back… ]*UPDATES*[/B]
I have so many updates I can’t even remember most of them, but I’ll try!
🙂 Kilquane Ltd (Howard Holdings) have been greenlit to erect the 12m quill-like sculpture along Lapps Quay, at the entrance to the Clarion Hotel element of their new City Quarter development.
🙂 Isle of Man-based Quality Healthcare Ltd have been granted permission for the redevelopment of the former Shankiel Hospital as a new private healthcare facility.
🙂 Tedcastles Ltd – owners of the 7-acre docklands site near Marina Point have revealed one of their masterplans for the prime docklands development area. Although the plan revealed is a majority residential – which will require rezoning from CCC – the plan includes a number of residential blocks ranging from 3 to 8 storeys in an extensive ‘woodland/park’ style setting. The project would include a number of own-housing units also, with an extensive commercial zone and educational facility (significantly reduced in this plan in response to UCC and CIT’s desire to develop an extended campus to the west of the city – but it’s early days yet). Tedcastles who have extensive property development activities in the USA – may seek to develop the site themselves. In all, an estimated 500 to 600 residenetial units may be provided. The project would have an approximate value in excess of 250m euros – if not more. But I must remind you that this plan is not scheduled for any clear application that I am aware of, and is only 1 of 3 plans already devised by the company. I will post images of this plan later.
🙂 Hungarian national carrier, Malev, has announced that it will begin scheduled flights between Cork and Budapest this coming April.
Various reductions and modifications including the removal of covered canpoy between the new multi-storey car-park and terminal building – but to name a few.
With response to mickeydocs and Thomond Park – I love Cork, I’m very proud of my adopted home, but it does have a high-opinion of itself sometimes. That said, I believe the city has been unfairly and inappropriately treated by the Government and its agencies at large, it terms of funding, development etc etc. The treatment and attitudes of CIE (Horgan’s Quay, Bus Station, Eglinton Street etc) has been 2nd rate and quite frankly insulting. The DAA is pulling petty purse-strings regarding Cork Airport. Our road funding is among the lowest, given the population, traffic volumes and longest road network in the country. Where’s the School of Music??? The list goes on. Further, I believe the rest of the country couldn’t give 2 tosses about all that half the time either – but do you know what, the Cork market is strong (if a little tricky at times) and we have ability. Cork is great for whingeing – even Cork 2005 made a big issue of the ‘whinge’ nature of Cork culture – but Cork is even greater when it gets up of its arse and does something about a situation itself. The recent rivival of the city has been in the majority spurred by Cork based private investment (OCP, OFC, Frinailla, Howard Holdings, and the many other private investment groups) – and one must recognised input from outside the city and county. Cork must carve itself its own future – that doens’t mean letting up on broken Government promises (i.e. School of Music and Horgan’s Quay) – but it does mean a proactive approach to Cork’s own future. Why should we waste the energy dropping our jaws in horror everytime Dublin gets that new MNC HQ??? We should be out there competeing, now complaining. Now, the Gov have a responsibility to ensure a proper approach to the NSS – something it has been quite lacking – the country is becoming too centralised, and the Gov need to deliever on that. A counter-balance to Dublin is needed for the country’s sake, Dubliners incl’d. Cork offers the best opportunity (as a focus) to provide this – and in my opinion, is a wonderful location – it just needs the right tweaking. I have a lot of confidence in the city – so let’s get out there and bring the city into the light it deserves, The docklands offers such a gleaming opportunity to make Cork a highly attractive, and relatively more affordable, HQ and large business destination. In economics it’s always said that a company’s greatest asset can quite often be it’s distinction, so let’s ride with that – we don’t need to go a copycat route. If Dublin wants to follow it and it works for them, so be it. To do this, Cork needs to reform it attutudes toward large development and invsetment projects. It needs to display its unique flair that always seems to be just beneath the surface and never on top – so come on, let it all out. If Cork focusses, the Gov get their act together and we keep thinking on the up – Cork will truly be able to boast about itself more so, without a shadow of a doubt to contradict it. I believe in Cork, I believe in it’s future – so let’s encourage investment in – to do this, we have to create the right accommodative environment.Lexington, The best thing I have read in a long time, President Kennedy” not what Dublin can do for Cork, it’s what Cork can do for Cork.
What about tax breaks for the docklands? Money makes the world go round, and things happen faster.
ParticipantDr Stack purchased it , as I am told by a Man in the paper, but it wont be the same due to been vacant for 10 years and all the building around same
ParticipantNo the Hospital was built in the mid 1830’s the house was built in c 1710.
ParticipantMahon Point is pulling the traffic away from Douglas, great. The Shopping Centre is aimed at the teen to late twenties female market. There is no mix of Shops, and the rents are as high as Patrick Street or higher.
Good luck to them.Regards
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