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  • in reply to: New Dublin City Manager new policies? #778091
    kite wrote:
    😮 Just think of what Dublin may have had to endure if the other frontrunner got the job??
    Thank your lucky stars Dublin, we still have 6 more years of dictatorship unless Fingal wants him.

    kite i continue to be curious as to why you plug a certain website every chance you get. im by no means trying to dig you, not at all, i just feel your position is a confusing one.

    personally, i would not agree with joe gavin on many many issues, but i think he has been a pretty productive city manager. the title of dictator is dramatic to say the least.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759329

    im looking forward to seeing the designs for ocp’s lavits qy plan at number 16. wonder if theyll maintain a light coloured render to compliment 21 lavitts qy or contrast it. its relation to the opera house will be most interesting. im praying for a big of imagination here. what wilson come up with for andersens qy will be interesting too. can they hit another dramatic note like patricks qy? im very anxious about seeing work get moving on clontraf st and deanes street schemes. any news on the clontarf st office building? i think 9 storeys would make an appropriate statement for this site. my own concern would be its visual relationship to 6 lapps qy when viewed from eglinton st. i think this area needs rounding up and hopefully andersens qy wil help that further, just a shame its not including the simon centre nextdoor. also the bus station should be up for redevelopment in the future so i hear which would round the quay off nicely.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759259

    @kite wrote:

    :confused: I agree, my parents are living in Wilton and are on the CSDs mailing list. They showed me the letter CSD got from Ann Bogan (CSD emailed it to people on their list) it seems from what the letter said that the Planning Dept. agreed that the time limit was not what should have been allowed under the Planning Act.
    The submission they made regarding the Bishopstown-Wilton Area Plan is posted on their website, these guys are really overstepping the mark.

    id hardly give them that much credit. what the seem not to understand is planning applications made prior to their motions and bishopstown area plan have to be considered with respect to the time of their planning lodgement. if a new plan or motion is proposed in the time following it has no legal grounds. their complaints on the dennehys cross plan being granted are invalid. the application came before their illegal motion.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759257

    @kite wrote:

    🙁 Assistant Director of Planning Services AnnBogan has extended the date for further submissions to 13th April following a legal tussle with the CSD group who cried foul in relation to their rights under the P&D Act 2000

    thats rubbish…not your post, the action. they have no more rights than the next man on the street. the further information was printed in the press and given the same length of submission period as any other application. if the group werent quick enough off the mark to lodge a submission thats their own fault. maybe i should do the same everytime im late making a submission.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759225

    @yorktown wrote:

    What “well thought out efforts by rainey & associates”, surely not that thing they tried on in the Sunbeam. I’m not one for slagging off designs (although I just did) but its a bit OTT to criticise the Kinglsey with lines like “abrupts the visual transition from the lee fields to urban patterns” given what was there before. While we all know it has a history, Lee Baths, Car Museum etc, the real eysore on the “Straight Road” is the view of the arse of the Environmental Centre on the Lee Road, which as I understand it is on the way to being another white elephant given that UCC have over specced what they want in the building…….

    i was referring particularly to the victoria cross effot which i think is rather subtle and has a pleasant soft material usage. agreed the sunbeam affair is a messy mish mash. as some other posters here have said before the location of the tower boggles the mind. do you think the kingsely apartment hotel is a good design? i also agree the bucholz mcevoy scheme is utterly dire. i would have expected more from them.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759223

    @theblimp wrote:

    Even though I’m living in the Ballincollig area it was only today that I passed in the Carrigrohane Road for the first time in ages (usually take the link roads). As a result of this journey I found meself nearly crashing into the Statoil on said road when I first caught sight of the extension to the Kingsley Hotel. Jaysus did they knock that one out while the planners weren’t looking or wha?

    Western elevation looks lilke several, poorly designed, blocks of flats, with zero character and little sympathy/understanding of the fact that this is the first building on that side of the road marking an arrival into Cork (boundaries not withstanding). With the Lee Fields just before it, it’s likely to remain that way, so surely there was an opportunity to make a ‘statement’. Likewise with the northern elevation – larger windows but again feckin boxy. At least it beats the southern elevation which has nothing at all!!

    Between this and the wonderful Victoria Cross mess, this whole area is starting to look like the land that design forgot, and it’s little reason that the locals are up in arms about further developments if this is what is being touted as contemporary architecture. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all against the anti-high-rise shower, but developers are doing themselves few favours by releasing this type of awfulness on the area.

    Disgusted? – I should feckin’ coco 😡

    ps – gone a little quiet in here again, hasn’t it?

    thats funny because i was actually coming on here today to say the same thing. the anti-highrise thing is a load of nonsense but perhaps if design teams started put some imagination into their work there would one less bullet in the arsenal. i was coming home this evening and was filling my car up when i looked back and saw the kingsley. i was a little startled thinking it came from mola. the county hall extension is actually quite nice and perhaps understated given its subordination to the tower but the derek tynan muck at victoria cross and the bertie pope scandal have seemed to abandoned taste. the apartment hotel building at the kingsley is a bland faceless contraption which rudely abrupts the visual transition from the lee fields to urban patterns. its this kind of laziness that puts the well thought out efforts by rainey & associates and omahony pike at victoria and dennehys cross at risk and adds to the troubles unfairly to these potential recourses. very diappointed.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759174

    @kite wrote:

    My tuppence worth on the event centre is that the docklands would be the most suitable site, however, the city council seem to be allowing piecemeal applications for development in the docklands without having any masterplan in place.
    This type of approach will net the city a large amount of cash in development fees but will be of little value to the city in the long term.

    the level of activity in the docklands remains below its potential. i can think of only a few schemes like water st, nat ross, centre park road and maybe eglinton st if ya consider that docklands. horgans qy is an ongoing saga so im not even counting that til i see an application in the planning office. as for the masterplan the council are long overdue on the south docks plan and published the north area plan with 3 apps already in or pending (applications which took up the bulk of the north quays). i think these plans are nice guidelines and good to have but dont think everything should be pent up while the council procrastinate on getting details together. the docklands will require thought and time but it also needs points of encouragement, the sort howard have provided with lapps qy. to think all progress should be put on ice until the council finally decide on a masterplan wont help the city.

    as for the event centre, putting it on horgans qy is a bit like trying to shove brick through a keyhole. it should be in the docklands but i dont know if longterm this is the place for it.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759158
    dkebab wrote:
    Re: jervis st. I’m just say ing that the propaosal is like any other mediocre retail experience that has been designed in this country recently. I really think that one would have to be completely visually illiterate to argue that this design will have any positive impact on cork. It is such a pity that this is the drivel that we have to support. The design pays absolutely no heed whatsover to its context and the aa building looks like an ignorant pastiche in its mist. I can’t belive that people can argue for this proposal on the basis that this nprovides prime retail space in the city. Is that what we want in Cork? More high streBritish chain stores . This project looks onto the most important artscility in the city. An establishment. It faces Emmet place and the OPera House again landmarks of major importance in the city. THis design is blatanly ignorant to its context and again I liken it to the most horrifc development in Cork since the Celtic Tiger has clawed its ugly glazed fronted post modern neo classically intended rubbish into the fabric of the city]

    part of my reasoning for hoping to see revisions to height and the emmet place elevations is its impact on the queens anne and aa building. It rises to sharply and excessively for my tastes and dominates the area. however the academy st frontage seems pretty sympathetic without installing bland lines. given the requirements for this project what would you suggest to be a more effective design solution?

    in reply to: developments in cork #759153

    @dkebab wrote:

    I think this design is one of the worst proposals I have seen for Cork. It seems that people will throw up any old re hashed Jervis St crap and expect the citezens of Cork to lap it up gratefully. I am disgusted at the level of design of the project. It is tedious, ill-considered and ad-hoc. It is not unlike the horrific building occupied by Vibes and Scribes fronting Paul St. Car Park. I am ashamed that the people of Cork have such little respect for the urban fabric of such a unique city that they wouyld allow such obscene development to continue.

    a little dramatic. i think the scheme needs revision is areas like height, the patricks st elevation and emmet place. active uses on bowling green st will be essential. however the variance in massing, shape and size breaks up what could have been a monster in a highly sensitive area. the jervis st ref is lost on me. i know the height steps down approoaching pana but still think it will be visually obtrusive when view from the street.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759122

    the saint patricks street elevation looks very off and a little bland. im confused about the necessity to break the line of established heights fronting patricks street. whats with the peaked feature?!!! must say i do like the academy st elevations and use of copper cladding. the shell features are interesting too but have to agree with some of the earlier critical comments about emmett place stacking and elevations. will nine storeys really pass????????

    in reply to: developments in cork #759038

    @kite wrote:

    😡 Things just go from bad to worse, along with Cllr.Dennehy’s question for next Monday night Cllr.Mary Shields (who usually is a rock of sense) has a motion before councillors to ban all major development in Bishopstown until the area action plan for the area is completed.

    id have to argue your comment on ms shields but these people put simply are all mad in the head (thats an opinion people!!!)

    as for ballincollig aha id rather it stayed out of the city if it means its not going to subjected to the shite our councillors and lobbyists are getting up to. and im sorry but ballincollig is only 20000 with a project 40000 pop come 2018, still a bit off even waterfords pop alone.

    by the way they cant enforce the height cap on applications lodged prior to motion of which i understand frinillas dennehys cross plan was (thats illegal my friends) and they also cant enforce it when its not amended into the development plan. councillor dennehy is talkin more manure then a herd after laxatives in this case. also the actual motion itself is in contravention with programmes of sustainable development and until its legality has been clarified (and this can be taken to the high court if need be) its worth nothing more than the hot air that envisioned it. not codswallop, just a simple fact.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759028

    to pom, pug and saucy jack – ditto! its funny how these politicians and lobbyists snake bite so called ‘opportunists’ (so called) when their actions are the most evidently opportunist of all.

    in reply to: developments in cork #759020

    @kite wrote:

    :confused: My understanding of this matter is that ONE of the reasons the Crows Nest decision has been kicked to touch is that one group that made a submission on that project raised this issue, and asked if planners should be sued if somebody was killed or injured in a fire above the current limits of the Cork fire service.

    utter rubbish. county hall has been around for years. liberty hall, victoria house among others. scare mongering topsoil. why beat around the bush the group is csd. kite what are your feelings on the group?

    in reply to: developments in cork #758939

    i think a rework at wilton is gearing up, much needed but im not quite sure with the council will make of it. they dont even want manor park building a retail centre at horgans qy which is practically the city centre so how theyll fair with another massive shopping centre in the suburbs is up for question. plus youve to consider the big plans afoot at douglas too. personally i think a large redevelopment at wilton wouldnt really affect the city centre. over the next few years the city centre will be more than able to hold its own with no less than 4 large retail schemes in the pipeline. wilton has an established base which it will retain and one which is very very easily capable of supporting an enlarged centre without damaging the city centre. my reservation here would be traffic. an imaginative management scheme would be needed to manage what is essentially one of the worst traffic blackspots in munster. the council really need to get their act together on serving the southern suburbs with some form of public rail system (road systems aka buses will not work here over the long term, a simple fact).

    as for m&s, it strikes me as weird that old toffee shop hasnt set up a suburb centre, god knows its a potential goldmine. with the company so anxiously expanding around dublin there is cash just waiting for them to hoover up in cork with the right location. there existing store in merchants qy is reportedly one of its best performing. i know there was talk that it looked at ballincollig briefly and maybe it would suit an expanded mahon point??????????? personally i would see maybe horgans qy or an expanded wilton sc as an ideal location for another m&s. i think the prospect of wilton would very much appeal to m&s as well.

    in reply to: developments in cork #758854

    @A-ha wrote:

    The Examiner and the Evening Echo.

    theres your problem right there. hehe. only messing.

    in reply to: developments in cork #758787

    @yorktown wrote:

    Classic stuff…..hopefully Dan Buggy’s departure, Pat Ledwidge’s arrival and everything that Howards are doing doing the Docks will kick things off. Can’t see the Port of Cork doing too much and I wouldn’t hold my breath on the Albert Quay / Kennedy Quay end of things. All said and done, the Council’s (Manager’s) pronouncements are a hostage to fortune (bankers / developers and a certain SP)

    a case of howards yet again dragging the city’s docklands kickin and screaming into the 21st century. :rolleyes: well fair play to them, at least someones getting off their hooch and doin something about it. everyone else seems to be hymning and hawing. now if manor park just get their heiny in motion we’d be singing.

    in reply to: developments in cork #758767

    any truth in the rumour some limerick developer is planning a pretty big development for the city in the new year?? i dont think theyve been active in cork before and dont have a name. some suggestions were chieftain or fordmount but i honestly dont know.

    oh yeah and a late happy christman/happy new year to everyone! 😀

    in reply to: developments in cork #758752

    @ewankennedy wrote:

    Any pre-Christmas surprises?? I thought OCP were suppose to be lodging Academy street at the start of this month. Planning office is closing today isnt it? Or is it tomorrow? Is it worth keeping our hopes up??

    dont think theyre closed til tomorrow.

    in reply to: developments in cork #758733

    @James Furlong wrote:

    Hello all. I will shortly be seeking to appoint an architect for a small site of mine in the city area. From what I have seen of this place it seems like a good place to ask some professional opinion as you all seem so well informed. Any recommendations for a good architect and planner for a medium infill building design. I would like to think that we can provide an imaginative design to the site and would be thankful for any opinions.

    James Furlong

    thats kinda broad. what are you looking at residential office pub. what you mean by good architect?? shouldnt you be asking what you want to achieve and then find an architect best suited? as for planners theres mcutcheon mulcahy, brady shipman, rps and…cant think of any other ones with cork operations…sorry, think thats it. the old age is kickin in!!

    in reply to: AAI Awards 06. #764200

    ive checked the aai website but no luck there.

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