The NEIC IAP, prepared by Dublin City Council, identified the area around the existing church on Sean McDermott Street as a flagship site for re-development of Community based facilities. As part of the masterplan a need for a new Community Complex was identified to upgrade and further develop existing community based Projects and activities such as the Lourdes Youth and Community Services, the Neighbourhood Youth Project and the Adventure Sports Project, all of which are based in the existing Ruthland St. School and the adjoining School-on-Stilts.The overall proposal is to relocate the above existing groups and their activities in new purpose-built accommodation arising out of an extensive consultation and design process with each of the groups. The proposed Community Complex is a three/four storey building, being 2998sqm in overall floor area. Each user group is provided with its separate entrance so as to create its own identity within the complex and to enable them to relate individually to the proposed surrounding re-development of the overall area. In addition it is proposed to include a separate Creche facility for 35 children at ground level for Dublin City Council. An enclosed hard surface / external area is to be provided between the Church and the proposed building.