Can anybody help me with a definition of a ‘temporary structure’?
My understanding of ‘development’ is clear (the carrying
out of works on, in, over and under lands…’ )
and its implications regarding planning (development needs planning)
but a kiosk to be place temporarily on private land adjacent to
the owner’s flower shop for storage purposes???
Planning leglislation is clear regarding
exempt development within the grounds of a
private dwelling (25m2 exemption limit) but
there seems to be little exemptions beyond
this domestic situation.
The owner has lived and had a shop in this location his whole life – the
project would hope to incorporate a living wall externally serving the
double function of storage and an informal advert (flowers/ plants)
for the shop owner. It has potential to provide an attractive re-use of the present vacant
plot rather than just lumping a shed in a corner.