temporary structure???

Home Forums Ireland temporary structure???

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    • #711028
      david le masney

      Can anybody help me with a definition of a ‘temporary structure’?

      My understanding of ‘development’ is clear (the carrying
      out of works on, in, over and under lands…’ )
      and its implications regarding planning (development needs planning)
      but a kiosk to be place temporarily on private land adjacent to
      the owner’s flower shop for storage purposes???

      Planning leglislation is clear regarding
      exempt development within the grounds of a
      private dwelling (25m2 exemption limit) but
      there seems to be little exemptions beyond
      this domestic situation.

      The owner has lived and had a shop in this location his whole life – the
      project would hope to incorporate a living wall externally serving the
      double function of storage and an informal advert (flowers/ plants)
      for the shop owner. It has potential to provide an attractive re-use of the present vacant
      plot rather than just lumping a shed in a corner.

    • #812424

      Even if by some miracle the LA accepted the Kiosk as a temp structure which it is not the use that it is put to is also a planning matter. To do what you need you need to obtain a container similar to those used for shipping purposes and you need to confirm in writing to your LA the length of time the container will remain on site and the use you are putting it to. Ordinarily the max time is 11 months, after this you are in trouble. Your LA may accept this and allow your client to go ahead but I feel it this age of generating revenue they will insist on a planning application being made.

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