Tara street station

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    • #705786

      I hear conflicting reports regarding the accepted redevelopment of the above.

      Firstly, it’s been given the go ahead but two floors have had to go, thus making it smaller than liberty hall. Secondly, the proposed plan, it all it’s entirety has been aproved, making it taller than liberty hall. Does anyone know what exactly has been appproved?

    • #722601
      Andrew Duffy

      Here’s the original discussion. The tallest point of the station will be taller than Liberty Hall; some elevations had to be reduced by at two or more storeys but not the tall glass one.


    • #722602

      Cheers Andrew,

      I looked at the model as shown in the thread and it looks lower than liberty hall. Perhaps it’s just one of those optical illusions everyone’s talking about!

      Thanks again.

    • #722603

      Interesting to note on the associated thread that some people lament the fact that Kennedy’s pub couldn’t be bulldozed to make way for the shiny, spiffy, oh-so-comtemporary Tara St station (which 20 years later will probably look as awful as most modern architecture).

      It’s a great old pub, and Dublin needs it far more than it needs 20 more square metres of minimalist soulless w*nk-space.


    • #722604
      Rory W

      no really, tell us what you really think of modernist architecture

    • #722605

      What is proposed for Tara St? I only heard about it from here.

    • #722606
      Andrew Duffy


      The building is approved by DCC and An Bord Pleanála, so budget constraints or lack of demand for office space is presumably why there is no activity on the site.

    • #722607

      It will probably suffer the same fate as the Georges Quay development beside it and end up having to wait for the next boom before being built!

    • #722608

      With all the cutbacks, I can’t see there being much money in the Iarnrod Eireann kitty. But why can’t they use the overhead space for apartments instead of offices? Surely this would make the whole thing more than viable, given the demand for housing compared to office space at the moment.

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