real life for landscape architects

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    • #708196

      Can I ask you all personal questions? If you have the time this would help me out,
      How do you like your job? what do you not like about your job?
      How did you get into landscape architecture?
      i’m considering a major career change from working with marginalised groups to landscape architecture. I like the sound of it on paper and I’m wondering what the reality is. I’m looking at the masters in U.C.D. at the mo. Any pointers most welcome.

    • #762751

      hello there,
      just started the masters in la in ucd,
      so far the course has been great really informative really interesing
      im a trained industrail designer, so its a big change for me also
      on the flip side, there seems to be plenty of jobs when you finnish
      got any questions?
      mail me
      take it easy

    • #762752

      thanks for the reply Cath! i’m going to meet Desmond Byrne next Thursday to talk about the course, glad to hear you feel so positive about it. I’ve heard less complementary things from another student in second year, dissapointed with facilities and the like. Industrial design is a much more relevant background, I don’t know what my chances of being accepted are but I intend having a go. Are you working as well or studying full time?

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