Pictures of naked poles

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    • #710066

      That’s with a small p.

      So here is a really terrible idea for a thread. How many naked poles are there in Dublin? Here are five

      Dorset St and Eccles Place: two, one on each corner.
      Photobucket Photobucket

      NCR and Synott: two, one on each corner

      Opposite 422 NCR, by the bin

    • #802307

      False advertising!

      DCC did an in-house survey a couple of years ago in the north inner city, and picked up broken footpaths, unused poles, etc. It wasn’t intended for publication, but I saw a copy. It’s a shame good work like that doesn’t make it out of the house, but then again why would they give the public another stick with which to beat them? Many of the black spots are still the same 4 years later.

      Cyclists should know where the naked poles are, for the reason that they’re not suitable for locking a bike to- a locked bike can just be slipped off over the top of the pole- not as unlikely as it seems.

    • #802308

      Interestingly O Connell St southbound between Nth Earl St and Sackville Place had splendid stainless steel poles erected to display 24Hr Clearway signs.

      Now in the interim the Dualway City Tour operator arrived to park static ticket selling buses at Both (Highly Dangerous) locations and hey-presto…….yep,you`ve guessed it….The 24Hr Clearway signs dematerialized…disappeared…gone…puff of red smoke…..BUT the POLES (sic) still remain…… 😮

    • #802309

      There are four on Pearse by TCD, here are two, the photos didn’t come out for the other two

      College St and Westmoreland Street by Fleet St.

    • #802310

      Ctesiphon won’t like this… it’s even got a black metal bollard to stand on 🙁

      @notjim wrote:

    • #802311

      Heh. I usually pick up such fallen bikes; to hell with the funny looks.

      You’re right- the bollard is the clincher there. And by the looks of things, only the frame is locked. Up and over and you’re good to go!

    • #802312

      Good idea for the thread. Plenty of such poles in Cork too, (not being racist har har), and they seem to propagate with any new road/street/paving ‘improvement’ works.
      As for an example of how things should be done, try Sydney –

    • #802313

      @bosco wrote:

      Good idea for the thread. Plenty of such poles in Cork too, (not being racist har har), and they seem to propagate with any new road/street/paving ‘improvement’ works.
      As for an example of how things should be done, try Sydney –

      This can only be described as “poles apart” from the Irish situation 😮

      Up with this sort of thing 🙂

    • #802314

      Which new naked pole do you nominate for st stephens green???

      two rows of these… nothing but contempt for the past

    • #802315

      Look,lets face facts.
      As the past 10 days have rather elequently proven Dublin is a City currently under the control of a pastiche Civic Administration.

      Apart from the deliberations and considered opinions of interested individuals on this board there is little if any concern for proper planning and development procedures.

      We are sadly at the mercy of a band of self-serving Philistines whose grasp of anything to do with good governance could be contained on a postage stamp.

      City management my backside 😮

    • #802316

      its not just unused poles – there’s also all the signs facing the wrong direction, broken or bent or just covered in grime. I saw a guy washing the roadsigns around the Custom House a couple of months back – it was the first time in my 30+ years that I had seen anyone doing this in Ireland.

      I was in France in June and I don’t recall seeing a single broken or misdirected sign. The directional placename posts in particular seemed to be indesctructible and very clean.

    • #802317

      Railway St

      Lombard St

      Gardner St by Mountjoy Sq

    • #802318

      They are obviously planning more. On residential streets off the North Strand are a plethora of onimous ’11 ft pole’ and ’13 ft pole’ markings sprayed on the footpath in a fetching red paint. Lovely to see we’re in the metric age.

    • #802319

      NCR and Royal Canal Bank, looks a bit like a down pipe, but its a naked pole and a big one on Doyle’s Corner

    • #802320

      Nassau St by Reeds

    • #802321

      Thinking JCdecaux has something to do with these. Also, pretty handy for those bandy election posters. At least they aren’t completely useless, right?

    • #802322

      @magwea wrote:

      Thinking JCdecaux has something to do with these. Also, pretty handy for those bandy election posters. At least they aren’t completely useless, right?

      Well if those fiddly deckers think they are putting anything on my street, they had better think again.
      I wonder are they to do with paid parking.

    • #802323

      I sent DCC a birthday card to be forwarded to the one that’s outside my house for a bit over a year.

      I wasn’t even invited to the birthday party.

    • #802324

      I sent DCC a birthday card to be forwarded to the one that’s outside my house for a bit over a year.

      priceless! 😀

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