Online Planning

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      Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Dick Roche TD has (today 26 October 04) announced that proposals to streamline the planning application process are currently under consideration.

      ”The first stage, the introduction of a standard planning application form to be used by all planning authorities is already underway. This is a simple step with many benefits. The use of a standard application process across all planning authorities will also facilitate a full on line planning system. An online planning system will allow planning applications to be filed electronically, will allow planning applicants to track their applications and to keep abreast of any developments on file. This would greatly facilitate planning applicants and help overcome many of the frustrations that exist in the current system”, said Minister Roche.

      “We have achieved a breakthrough in motor taxation. One gets a pin number and pays one’s tax on-line. This relieves the queues at counters for those who cannot use the electronic system. I believe that the same application of common-sense technology can help greatly in the local authority area “, continued Minister Roche.

      “The economic boom has placed planning authorities under greater pressures than ever before. They are now handling around 80,000 planning applications a year, double the level of the early 1990’s and planning applications in 2004 set to increase yet again. It is abundantly clear that the present paper only system is out of date and is unable to meet the demands placed upon it. I am confident that the introduction of online planning applications will succeed in providing a cost effective, efficient and timely solution to this problem which has affected many people around the country”, concluded the Minister.”

      Kildare County Council came to their senses last Thursday; does anyone know of any local authorities involved in determining planning applications that do not provide this service, or do not have it adequately displayed on their site or where it is not adequately maintained.

      Mallow I know of are there many others?

    • #760288

      I may as well link this old 2003 thread here, as some people seem to like it even still:

      Basically, some stuff I wrote on Architects and the digital revolution.

      Brian O’ Hanlon.

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