greystones harbour has been falling into the sea pretty much since it was built. Various schemes to rebuild it have been proposed over the years. The latest one being promoted by Wicklow CC involves a large residential and commercial element and has split the town.
The users of the harbour (sailing, fishing clubs etc) are largely behind the proposals though this may be because they have seen so many other proposals fall by the wayside in the past and the harbour itself desperately needs repair now.
Many other residents of the town (and by the looks of things, most of the residents of the harbour area) are opposed to the scheme as they feel it will totally change the character of what is currently a sleepy, picturesque harbour. Many of the houses around the harbour have posters in their window proposing an alternative scheme detailed here –
any thoughts? – sleepy though the harbour is the rest of Greystones has become very built up and the extra facilities are needed. However the CC’s proposals seem to be developer led with the actual harbour as an afterthought.