dublin airport

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    • #706880
      T.G. Scott

      any news about plans for dublin airport adding a second parrallel runway – terminals/piers b c & d etc. plus if it ever happens the rail link to the citycentre…

    • #741410

      The planned second Dublin runway is on hold (appropriate term) in the light of the Aer Rianta breakup plan. It will cost a shedload of money, but sadly Shannon or Cork will not be asked to contribute to Dublin’s capital debts – unlike Dublin Airport to theirs.

      The Second Terminal is still being considered.

      Light , or conventional rail links to the airport are much discussed but dont hold your breath.

    • #741411

      Originally posted by dc3
      The planned second Dublin runway will cost a shedload of money,

      270m Euro the EIS is finished

      Originally posted by dc3
      but sadly Shannon or Cork will not be asked to contribute to Dublin’s capital debts – unlike Dublin Airport to theirs.

      140m of these debts relate directly to the construction of the new terminal at Cork. Aer Rianta (John Bourke in an interview with John F Keyes Nov 2002) are quoted as saying

      Originally printed by Airport world magazine Who else but Aer Rianta would invest 140m in a new terminal at Cork?

      Originally posted by dc3
      The Second Terminal is still being considered.

      I think ignored would be a better description.

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