Avalanche of invalids pending…..

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    • #709423

      Looking at today’s papers, i see the many planning ads still have the old statutory information at the end.

      As the first of June (tomorrow) is the end of the transition period when either form of statutory information was acceptable, presumably many architects are unaware of the changes in the statutory information with the new regulations

      Looks like we could be seeing a sky-rocketing of invalid planning applications from tomorrow on!:(

    • #789483

      what change to the statutory information is there???

      i dont see any change to article 18 of the regulations in SI 135 of 2007 or in SI 83 of 2007…..

      is there something im missing please??…..

    • #789484

      I am talking about S.I. 685 of 2006, which came into effect on 31st of March 2007.

      In particular, on page 8 – Section 18.1 (e).

      If you Google “S.I.685 of 2006” you find it on the environ.ie website.

    • #789485

      To clarify, my interpretation is that any newspaper advert submitted after tomorrow must have the words “for a fee not exceeding the reasonable copy of making a copy” included in the statutory information or be invalid.

      Would you agree henno?

    • #789486

      yes, thank you very much for bringing that to my attention forrest…..

      i have just contacted my local PA, and they are allowing any notice PUBLISHED before 31 march 2007, however any notices after that need to have this new stautory info included…..

    • #789487

      😮 Thanks for posting this . Have you noted that the 1/1000 site location map is now the place for , as before ,site outine (red) AND lands in adjacent ownership (blue) , wayleave ( yellow ) and site notice location . Previously these were required on a 1/500 site layout plan – now they must appear on the OS “mark up” . This could see some red faced invalidations too . 😮

      I see that other matters , usually previously the routine subject of additional information requests are now listed as requirements – waste water treatement and soil test , Section 5 compliance .

      There are also changes to 1. additional info request / time to respond together with 2. revised drawings requests procedures

    • #789488

      the waste water information is another contraversial one, we have been sending in standard details as per SR 6 1991, which are being accepted in full, yet no one constructs septic tanks like these anymore, they are all purchasing the precast concrete ones….the necessity to have the site specific report from an effluent treatment system manufacturer is welcome…….

    • #789489

      Inalidations deferred – SI 135 of 2007 which also came into force on the 31st March provided for a transitional period up to the 1st June to ensure that there would be no excessive invalidations due to the changeover to the new arrangements. This ‘grace period’ only relates to the validation of applications, all the other provisions of the regulations came into effect on 31st March. Among the other amendments made by SI 135 of 2007 are provisions aimed at improved data protection for users of the planning system –

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