Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


@PoxyShamrock wrote:

Yeah, that’s it! looks quite nice in that picture, the building seems to be more of a very pale cream rather than the white, which gives the exterior a very cold feeling to it. Then again the Sunny Weather with Blu Skies does help too 😀

Thanks PoxyShamrock.
With the completion of the Shannon tunnel in 2010, the Quality Hotel Group have strategically opened their hotel near where the Dublin (N7), the Cork (N20) and the Shannon / Galway (N18) roads meet. This should kick start further developments in the Roxborough area. The Roxborough Shopping Centre has great potential if re-developed. Interesting article in the Post recently.

A touch of Quality at Roxboro (Limerick Post) 30.09.06

by Pamela Duncan

THE latest addition to Limerick’s ever-expanding hotel market came in the shape of the new Quality Hotel in Roxboro when it opened on August 25.

Dublin born Peter Brennan, speaks to Pamela Duncan about the group’s latest venture.

Mr Brennan is the Group Operations Director for both the Quality and Comfort Inn hotel chains with responsibility for 14 hotels in Ireland. But he has travelled a long way to don this mantel.

Mr Brennan started his career here in the region as a wine waiter at Dromoland Castle back in 1979, while on his placement from the Dublin College of Catering.

Now he is back in the area having overseen the opening of the Quality chain’s first Limerick-based hotel, their eighth in Ireland. He has noted a big change in both Limerick itself and the hotel industry in the area.

“Overall, yes, there’s a huge upsurgence in Limerick of commercial business. Obviously the city has become more attractive both to investors coming in, but also to people going away for weekends, which makes up the commercial and leisure business to the area”.

Armed with this knowledge and the experience of the two Clarion hotels, which also come under the Choice brand, the group have moved to open the Quality hotel on the border of Roxboro and Southill.

And while some eyebrows 😎 have been raised locally as to the hotel’s location, Mr Brennan sees the area as the perfect up-and-coming district from which to launch the Limerick.

“We have great confidence and faith in this area that it will grow,” Mr Brennan says. “It’s an up-and-coming area, close to the industrial parks, but close enough to the city which you can’t miss from the new ring road.

“People say it is a difficult area but we’ve opened hotels in difficult places before. We opened a hotel in Dublin and there was nothing between us and Sheriff Street, and now the whole area’s growing around us.

“We opened a hotel in Cardiff Lane, which was a no-go area for policemen two years ago, but now you wouldn’t buy an apartment there for less than a million euro.

“We are delighted to be here and feel that we are going to be part of the community going forward”.

But with a huge number of hotels having opened, and due to open in Limerick in months to come, why open up a 200- bedroom venture?

“We have a very strong sense of Limerick and we have a strong sense from our experience in the Clarion in Limerick, and from knowing that the business we had for a short while in the Limerick Ryan before it became the Clarion Suites. I think we have a great feeling of confidence for the city,” Mr Brennan answers.

Because the hotel group are able to provide their customers with three different varieties of hotel with different levels of service and price ranges, Mr Brennan feels the chain has tapped into the market at the right time.

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