Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


Good news about the possible return of cinema to the city centre. Think it got a mention here a few months back. It’s good too, to see something happening in that part of town, it’s a bit of a backwater at the moment and if it turns out anything like the IFI in Dublin, I’ll definately make it my business to go there.
However can’t help but think that without a comprehensive vision for the provision of cultural/entertainment facilities in the city that the project will result in another missed opportunity for Limerick. All these new developments seem to come about in a haphazard manner without any thought given to where they fit in, in the greater scheme of things. Every new retail park, shopping centre, hotel or the proposed greyhound stadium are just being located where developers happen to find a big enough site near a main road. There was an article in the leader a few weeks back by a retail park owner who seemed to think that Limerick could become some kind of European shopping capital because of all the new outlets opening???? Will have to leave it there for now. Back later.

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