Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


@Builderfromhell wrote:

I regret to say, I am of the opinion that a lot of the large proposed projects for Limerick City will now be shelved. Why would anyone build more retail space, Hotels, offices and apartments when whats there isn’t selling or leasing. Consumer spending will drop so shops will continue to close.
Also, I expect the powers that be will shelve the re-generation projects. They won’t announce it as cancelled though – just string it along in planning stage for years.

Limerick is doing pretty welll right now. The city centre is buzzing atm. New developments coming on nicely. The Thomas street development will really kick off the Bedford/Thomas street commerical uprising atm. The Opera centre will attact millions back into the city centre. This will futher bring rates down and keep investment flowing into the city centre. Bedford Row is now ubelievable and a thousand’s time better since prior to the pedstrianisation. The city centre will continue to attract investment, when the final pedstrianasation phases come through along the other streeets. The Limerick Tunnel will also give the city back to its people. The city will become one of Ireland’s friendliest pedstrianized cities.. Stop your f****** negativism please. Limerick is doing fine, especially without your sh!t.

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